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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Down One Comp

March 18, 2017
    Well these last few days have been interesting.  They were pretty much dedicated to Elder C. I don’t mean to sound spiteful about that.  It all started with companionship inventory.  To be completely honest, it was very needed for me because a lot of my behavior needed to be corrected.  I had gotten into the habit of being very impatient with both of my companions, especially when we would make plans in one moment and then i n the next they would ask what the plans were.  Like if you want to know what the plan is, you have to participate in the planning instead of who knows what.  Whatever, I am making excuses for my impatience.  I recognize and accept that.  But anyway, Elder C started to get mad about all of my faults as a trainer and then he ended up breaking down because of everything.  The guy has a hard life and no family support.  He just found out that his 92 year old grandma fell and broke her arm and ribs. All of that made him start to worry about how he could show his family that he loves them while he is in Mexico, especially when he spent so many years hurting them.  I mean I can’t understand it all and that is probably just the surface of his problems showing.  But the basic picture was that he was not in good shape emotionally.  Then the very same say or ward mission leader chewed us out for having low numbers despite the fact that we are working hard.  I hate that. We work but haven’t been able to find, and we are working alone.  In 6 weeks that I have been here, we have received zero reference from ward members.  They do make visits with us occasionally, but we don’t have anyone to teach.  Whatever, I can take being chewed out, but Elder C. didn’t need it today. Then on Friday we had a zone class, which is where Elder C. really fell apart and broke down.  The zone leaders made him call the president who told us to go to Guadalajara to talk to him in person.  

      Nothing much more happened on Friday other than I did a baptismal interview for an investigator from the Sisters in Ixtapa. They are pretty great missionaries and I have no right to be their leader. (or anyone’s leader for that matter)  Anyway it was a pretty cool experience and you could tell the gospel has changed him and he was very confident in his testimony of the church.  
     That brings me to Saturday when we went to see the President.  We had to leave super early in order to be at the President’s house at 1. It was actually a cool experience in a way.  President Clayton only interviewed Elder C while Hermana Clayton talked to us about the situation.  We ended up sweeping off her porch and eating a bunch of junk food from Costco.  Their house is so nice and I wanted to stay there for the rest of my life.  Anyway, Elder C got to call his mom and his grandma after talking to the president.  He seems to be doing a lot better.  We returned to Puerto Vallarta the same day which was a very nauseous 5 hours in a bus that put a massive kink in my neck.  

 March 19, 2017
    Well I guess that we get to stay as a trio for another change.  The zone leaders told us the changes today.  They combined the zones into one big magazine that they are calling Nagarit.  Other than that, we had lunch with the Young Women’s President who taught us al the trading terms and words in Spanish.  I didn’t ask, because WHY, but my companions really wanted to know.  All I want to learn are the unoffensive words.  We had a pretty cool lesson with a lady though.  The only problem is that she is leaving town for two weeks so we couldn't set a return appointment.  What can you do.  Herman V is getting transferred to Manzanillo!  She will be working in my old branch actually.  Which is good because Elder M has a little crush on her apparently that he just told me about.  I don’t know why….she is a missionary. Per asi es. 

March 20, 2017
    Well, it turns out that Elder M is getting changed after all.  I was preparing a district class and studying while my comps slept and the zone leaders called me out of nowhere saying, “Elder M has to pack his bags and leave NOW.”  Poor Elder M. had to wake up from his nap and rush around to pack his stuff.  He left a bunch of his ties and his transfer journal here.  It’s pretty sad though and I already miss him.  I took him out to Carl’s Jr. before he left just to treat him.  The rest of the day was really quiet.  I’m not much of a  talker anyway and without a third Elder, it felt odd. I’m not sure how this change will go with Elder C. alone. We’ll see.  I just want another latin companion.  I learned so much Spanish with Elder A.  When I was finished with him, I generally understood what people were saying. 
March 21, 2017
    Today was pretty normal.  District class, food, walking, walking some more, and then some more walking.  Pretty normal.  Nothing really stands out to me except for the district class which was good.  I learned quite a bit about how I should be a better leader.  I have fallen into kind of a routine with the lessons, so this class helped me to change that up a little. 
March 22, 2017
    Well today was just a big waste of time.  We scheduled a doctors appointment yesterday for this morning.  Turns out that they scheduled it with the wrong doctor so we wasted an hour and a half going there and back, and had to go back again this afternoon for literally a 5 minute check up.  We only taught one lesson to a guy that just lost his job.  He is a guy who is interested in the gospel, but he is not married to his significant other and so is kind of stuck right now in progressing.  It was a blah day, but we did get some good food so that kind of saved it.
March 23, 2017
    Dang, today was hard.  We searched through a ton of investigators and didn’t end up teaching a single one of them.  Four of our investigators live in the same house and we were able to make a return appointment with one of them.  We finally had a meeting with our ward mission leader and we made some plans for activities during the month of April. We hope to get the ward doing something this next month.  We walked home tonight without knowing that the whole plaza had been blocked off.  There was a parade going on with fireworks and music.  The Catholic church knows how to put on a party.  The big cathedral was the center of it all with the crosses lit up.  They were actually shooting off fireworks from the bell towers of the cathedral.  All of this because is is close to Easter.  Someone told us that it is going to get crazy for Easter.  We got a bit side tracked by all of the activities, but we resisted the urge to ride the carnival rides. 

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