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Monday, July 31, 2017

Catching up

April 22- May 5, 2017
    Okay, how do I start.  It has been in interesting week.  It was my last week with Elder C. which is almost a relief.  Honestly, I don’t hold much against him, and I don’t hold any grudges, but it was sure hare to be happy while working with him.  But at least we ended the change on good terms.  We sort of reached a silent agreement about things which involved me not really saying anything except talking about the investigators and the occasional joke.  It’s sort of that awkward stage where you had a big fight with a friend and just made up, but things are still tense so you act as nice and polite at possible.  At least that is how it felt for me.  The last two weekly planning and companionship inventories where pretty chill so that is a success in my book.  Nothing much else happened last week.  We walked and walked and walked like usual.  One thing that was pretty cool was working with one of our investigators  O.  He is so ready for the gospel and his whole life will improve if he is continues to act.  The only problem is that he doesn’t go to church.  I haven’t been able to make an appointment with him in a long time, but I feel strongly that he is the reason that we are still working in this area.  We I don’t have much else to do here.  My new focus this next transfer is to work, work, work with as much prayer and faith as I can muster.  The hard part for me isn't the work, but the searching and the listening to promptings of the Spirit in the midst of the work. It sounds so easy writing it down, but out there in the street, looking at these people, I feel a little lost honestly. I think the common theme day to day is feeling inadequate, which is completely normal, so I am not worried.  I just don’t like feeling like that.
    Anyway, yesterday was the change.  We left at 4:30 wish to go to the central camiones.  We waited there for about an hour, made some changes and shipped some missionaries off. then i spent the rest of the day with Elder Jimenez and Elder Pelanque in San Vicente.  It was pretty cool.  I love having time with Latinos.  It works wonders on my Spanish.  They spelt for like 2-3 hours straight, I don’t know why.  Also, I’ve never, well almost never, gone on divisions to a house with a lot of food.  Later on during the day, Elder P. got his new companion and we went to wait for hours in the centro de camiones for Elder Long and Elder Anderson.  Traffic was bad so it took forever.  Anyway today we took our p-day to get everything figured out.  Later in the day we had a lesson with E. who is going to fast with us to help him feel better about the church and baptism.  It was a pretty good day.  I like my new companion, he is extremely kind and humble.
May 3 - 5, 2017
    I am really terrible at this journal thing.  Well it is a miracle that I am writing at all honestly.  The past two weeks have mostly been really good!  It is nice to have a new companion, especially when he wants to work.  We have changed a lot in our type of work. We decided as a district to really apply certain sections of Chapter 9 to our missionary work.  So we have really improved our contacts this week. We have also been talking with more people in the street.  Teaching lesson is not that hard, but having a normal conversation with a complete stranger, that is sometimes hard for me.  But we worked hard on it and it went pretty well.  We had 7 new investigators this week compared to 1 last week.  Not all of them are solid, but we are working harder. 
    Today was a little rough though. It had the potential of being a really great day, but everything fell through.  What was really nice was that in the afternoon this really sweet girl gavels some free cake! Turns out that she is a member, but still, a miracle for us!  Anyway, that is basically the week in a nutshell.
May 14, 2017   HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!
    Well, other that church and a lesson with some interesting Buddhist people, we got to SKYPE HOME!!!  The time went by so fast.  It is weird to see where everyone is in life.  Like they are just moving in fast forward and I am just kind of in a time warp here in the mission field.  Well truthfully that has been the way my whole life has been.  I just watch everyone else grow up ahead of me and I feel like I never change. It is kind of surreal.  It made me look at myself and then I realize that I have changed too. Sometimes it is easy to let days go by and kinda get lost in a sense.  The Skype calls are like a literal reality check.  Pretty cool.  Doesn’t last long enough though.

 May 17, 2017
    Well we had our zone conference which was super cool.  As missionaries in Mexico it is like fulfilling one of the primary purposes of the Book of Mormon.  Anyway, we learned a bunch of stuff and it was great to see our President and his wife.  It feels like it has been a while.  After the zone conference, which ended at 7:30, we went on divisions with the zone leaders in San Vicente.  I got to catch up with Elder Long. We got to work together in the morning which was cool.  We only found this one guy with really crazy ideas.  He has been listening to the Jehovah Witnesses, but doesn’t use their scriptures or believe all that they teach. He is just making his own doctrine.  I think that I got tired of listening and said straight up that there are many voices in the world and he is being led away by them and is closing his eyes and his heart to the truth. I invited him to keep meeting with us so that he could open his eyes and see and feel the truth in his heart.  Then after a few minutes of silence, he said, “actually, the Bible says not to trust your heart.”  UGH!  But Elder Long went on to teach him the restoration and he accepted another appointment so that is good. 

     After the division, we got back to our house and I realized that I LOST MY NAME TAG!  Dang it.  That one was the one from the CCM, with memories. At least Levi gave me another one that I can use so I still have one for my shirt pocket.  

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